Friday, August 12, 2011

Hijack Google Traffic and Profit! ...


Check out the image below. This proves yet again that without a doubt works extremely well to generate free viral traffic.

We'd like to say thank you to Tom from Hawaii for sending us this image and awesome information about how Staged is working for him. Like so many members, Tom uses Google Analytics to track where his traffic is coming from on his Stages. You can access Google Analytics for free at

Check out this amazing report from Tom!

Hello Support.

This is too good to be true and I have to share it with you. You and your Staged system has completely blown me away from the day I joined.

You have single handedly solved a MAJOR problem in the online advertising world and just speaking for myself, you have single handedly given me the ability to FINALLY focus on my Internet businesses full time. I cannot thank you enough for this.

To return the "favor" I'd like to share a little trick I've had up my sleeve for a few weeks. It will help other members.

Often when you do a search on Google you will see images of YouTube videos on the first page of the search. Like you said in an update last week, Google owns YouTube so we should expect this to occur.

So I click on these videos to get their YouTube url and I make Stages using the url's. This is important - I use the exact same title and description 'as is' below the actual YouTube video. I do not try and re-write my own.

In doing so, this is how I can legally "hijack" some of that traffic for myself! When Google displays those YouTube videos as a result of their title and description matching the search term being typed by their search engine user, sure enough they also display my Stages!

I've been doing this for a few weeks and it's working for me. Here is proof using an image straight from my Google Analytics account:

78.48% of all my traffic comes from referring sites and search engine traffic. And of that 22.01% comes from the search engines like Google. Unbelievable isn't it!

As you can see, Staged has opened the doors for you to explode any online business, including your Staged business, just like Tom and so many other members are doing. We hope you will take advantage of it by joining Right Here, and make lots of money!

Have a great day, make lots of Stages, and if you have questions we have the answers.

The Staged Team