Saturday, October 8, 2011

Join the HOTTEST opportunity on the web for just $1 ...

An awesome new opportunity has just opened up that could really boost your Staged business. Check this out...

We recently added the ability for anyone who has joined Staged as a free member to upgrade their account with FULL member benefits for just $1!!

If you are currently a free member and haven't done so already... take us up on this amazing $1 offer! You won't regret it. This $1 gets you FULL system access for 72 hours which is tons of time for you to see the system, program, and opportunity in full. After the 72 hours (3 days) are up you have a simple decision to make - go back to free status or remain upgraded. Pretty easy!

Now if you are already an upgraded member this new $1 offer is HUGE for you too. We're talking big bucks! How big? Well...

The first day the offer went live we had over 200 people take us up on it. Since then more and more people keep flowing in on a daily basis. So as an upgraded member this could mean two things:

1) You now have the ability to advertise "Join the HOTTEST opportunity on the web for just $1" and watch your upgrade conversions skyrocket.

2) You can be sponsoring a TON of these $1 3 day trials and then make BANK after the 3 days end and the members remain upgraded.

3) Your downline could be exploding and people above and below you are enrolling these $1 3 day trials.

Regardless of your status with Staged this is a massive opportunity that you don't want to miss. The offer to upgrade for just $1 is only valid for 72 hours after a member (perhaps you) joins for free. Even if you or someone you know has missed the deadline it's no big deal! Why?

Because Staged is exploding with this new trial offer and numbers 1, 2 and 3 above can easily fill your wallet with extra cash just days from now as long as you upgrade your account if it's not already. Check out the Affiliate section of the main menu for more details.

Enjoy your week!

The Staged Team